Monday, December 12, 2011

Progress/Getting Past the Camping Phase

Oh man. It has been many moons since I wrote on here, which I blame mostly on how much time I spend on the MARC train. My commute is good for naps and The New Yorker, but it means I'm behind on most other things I'd like to be doing. Someone buy me a netbook/iPad for Christmas?

Feeling short on time hasn't meant I've stopped working on projects (because I love projects), it just means I haven't documented them beyond a few sad "before" photos. I probably won't be ready for "afters" for months anyway, but I've fallen way behind in my house blog updating goals. Like did you know that I finished sewing a cool shower curtain yesterday (in this fabric)? And that I had to learn how to make buttonholes in order to do it? I need to tell you about that and our fireplace and all kinds of stuff.

The other reason for delays in any sort of documentation is that for a long time it felt like we were squatters, not owners. We sold a fair amount of furniture before we moved and then needed to fill up our new dining and TV rooms, etc. Just to give you an idea, it took until November (that's three months) for us to get our sectional. (There might have been a miscalculation on my part that resulted in the original sectional we ordered not fitting, but now we have a giant one from Crate & Barrel, and it's awesome.) Pre-sectional we had stacked my generous collection of pillows against the wall and watched TV and ate pizza from the floor - and no one needs to see a picture of that.

Anyway, it's almost a new year, and I resolve to take more photos and actually update. There's a lot to share.

Images: Charm City Home (1. The love seat in our front sitting room is from a Baltimore shop called Pad. 2. KR: The dining room was just a pass-through in October, before we bought a table and chairs. As of December, we still only have two dining chairs (but they're cool, so it's alright). KM has nixed the lamp, and the glass desk is stored in the basement.)

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